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 #   Notes   Linked to 
3451 His obit from Glenn Huffman. Survived by 2 daughters, and 4 sons as recorded. Mauzy, William Whitfield (P7937)
3452 His obit from Glenn Huffman. Survived by wife, Nola B., 2 daughters, 3 sons,
and a brother, Whitfield, all as recorded. Lived at Verona, farmer. 
Mauzy, Roscoe (P7930)
3453 His submarine hit a mine/JNF. Kisamore, Oliver Wayne (P22646)

ROBERT S. ARBOGAST, a substantial farmer and landowner of Liberty township, who died at his home in that township in the fall of 1921, left a good memory in the community in which he had so long resided and it is but fitting that some modest tribute to that memory be paid in this definite history of the county of which he was a worthy citizen. Mr. Arbogast was born on a farm in the Parker neighborhood in the neighboring county of Randolph, February 4, 1858, and was a son of Sanford and Isabel (Hayes) Arbogast, natives of Ohio, who came over here into Indiana following their marriage and settled on a tract of land north of Muncie in this county but after awhile moved over into Randolph county and established their home on a farm of 160 acres in the Parker neighborhood, where the remainder of their lives was spent. Of the nine children born to this pioneer couple the subject of this memorial sketch was the fourth in order of birth. Three of these children are still living. Mr. Arbogast was survived by two sisters, Frances and Louise, and two brothers, page: 570 Henry M. and Albert Arbogast, the last named of whom died on April 2, 1924. Reared on the home farm in Randolph county, Robert S. Arbogast received his schooling in the Parker schools and from the days of his boyhood was interested with his father in the labors of developing the farm. He married at the age of twenty-two and for a year thereafter farmed as a renter on his father's place. He then, in 1881, came over into Delaware county and rented an "eighty" in Liberty township, the place on which his widow is now living; presently bought that place and ever afterward made his home there, increasing his holdings until he became the owner of 110 acres. Mr. Arbogast was a good farmer and improved his place in admirable shape, having two sets of buildings on the farm. In addition to his general farming he gave considerable attention to the raising of live stock and also for several years operated a threshing rig in the neighborhood. He was a Democrat and was a member of the Selma Methodist Episcopal church, of the official board of which he was for years the treasurer. Mr. Arbogast died on October 19, 1921, and his widow continues to make her home on the home place. It was in 1880 that Robert S. Arbogast was united in marriage to Leah Philena Neel and to this union were born three children, Grace, Grover C. and Lona, the latter of whom married the Rev. Earl Pittenger and died on February 11, 1922, leaving four sons, Sanford Earl, John Arbogast, Rex Arthur and Robert Everett Pittenger. Grace Arbogast married Everett Shroyer and Grover C. Arbogast married Flora Orr and has two children, Sylvia and Robert G. Arbogast. Mrs. Leah P. Arbogast was born in Liberty township and is a daughter of Jordan and Malinda (Hedrick) Neel, both of whom were born in Virginia and had come to Indiana with their respective parents in the days of their youth. Jordan Neel was a son of John Neel, a Virginian, who was one of the entrymen in Liberty township and who was the father of eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity, so that the Neel connection of this line in the present generation is a considerable one. Jordan Neel was but a lad when he came here with his parents from Virginia and he grew up familiar with pioneer farming conditions and after his marriage became a farmer in his own right, the owner of a farm of eighty acres. When the Bellefontaine & Indianapolis railroad was being put through here in the early '50s he worked on the construction of that old "Bee Line" road, now the Big Four. Of the six children born to him and his wife four are now living, Mrs. Arbogast having two sisters, Sarah Ellen and Nancy Jane, and a brother, John Allen Neel, further page: 571 mention of whom is made elsewhere in this work. There were two other brothers, Philip Jordan and Frederick Priest Neel. Mrs. Arbogast is a member of many years standing of the Selma Methodist Episcopal church, a past president of the Ladies Aid Society and the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of that congregation, the present vice president of the local Woman's Christian Temperance Union and superintendent of the county organization of the W. C. T. U., superintendent of the children's department of the Foreign Missionairy Society and special secretary of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. She is a Democrat. The Arbogast home is on rural mail route No. 5 out of Muncie. 
Arbogast, Robert Sprole (P20528)
3455 History of Pendleton (Highland Co.), by Morton, indicate Mary as wife. First
public document found by Amanda Crawford Arbogast Forbes on wife of Michael is
a deed in 1791 from Michael and Elizabeth to one of his sons. Elizabeth's
signature appears on deed, documents, etc.

MILITARY: Accepted by DAR as Revolutionary War veteran, Yorktown Campaign,
1781. Capt. Peter Hull's Company of Cavalry. AAF's DAR Nat'l.#-484839.

See Deed Book 19, page 267, 130 acres on head of South Branch of Potowmackpatented to Michael Arbocust, undated, but adjacent entries indicate the year
was 1773; Augusta Co., VA. Also Deed Book 23, page 90, 17 Aug 1779, conveying
property to Michael Armingcost. This area is now Blue Grass, Highland Co., VA.
This information from, Records of Augusta Co., VA, Vol.III, by Chalkley, p.
531, 560. Page 195, citing Will Book VI, records appraisment of the estate of
Barnet Lance by Peter Hull, Jno. Gum, Sr. and Michael Armengash, 20 Sep 1791.
In other books, Michael's sons married into the Hull and Gum families, so they
were probably neighbors. 
Samuels, Mary E (P16448)
3456 History of Pendleton Co., Morton, page 402 Confederate Soldier, 46th VA Rgt.

BIRTH: Estimated from 1850 Census of Pendleton Co., WV for both husband and
wife. Pendleton Co., WV Census of 1860, 70 and 80 have also been reviewed.

MARRIAGE: From, Pendleton Co., WV Marriage Bonds, published by Mary Harter,

CHILDREN: No record for son, John W., after 1860 Census.

DEATH: Last located on 1880 Census but he is believed to have lived until 1890
or later.

Letter to Amanda Arbogast Forbes in 1957 from Miss Kate Arbogast,
Charlottsaville, VA, tells of remembering Cain Arbogast. Miss Arbogast, born
in 1875, lived with her Uncle, Dr. Harper in Circleville and remembered when
they came for him when Cain had a son who froze to death in 1895. Her letter
would indicate that Cain might have been living at the time. She also
indicated that Cain and his brother, Eliel, lived up Big Run a mile or so.
Go to Cherry Grove, 3 mi. above Circleville, turn to the right and go up the
Run. They lived in 2 small log cabins on the hill side to the right, the
cabins only a few yards apart. The cabins were still there in 1930. 
Arbogast, Cain (P16485)
3457 History of Pendleton Co., Morton, page 402, Confederate Soldier, 46th VA Rgt.

BIRTH: Estimated from Pendleton Co., VA/WV Census of 1850. The 1860, 70 and
80 Census also checked.

DEATH: Last located on 1880 Census but letter from Miss Kate Arbogast, born in
1875, indicates Eliel lived quite a few years more, for her to have remembered
him so vividly. Details of letter in Cain Arbogast notes. According to her
letter, the log cabins of Eliel and Cain were just a few yards apart.

MARRIAGE: Highland Co., VA Marriage Records.

CHILDREN: From above Census Reports. Glenn Huffman research indicates John A.
Nicholas appointed guardian of Louisa, age 18, daughter of Eli Arbogast,
deceased, 16 Apr 1886. 
Arbogast, Eliel (Eli) (P16486)
3458 History of Pendleton Co., Morton, page 402, Confederate Soldier, 46th VA Rgt.

BIRTH: Pendleton Co, VA/WV Census of 1850. 1860, 70 and 80 Census also

MARRIAGE: Pendleton Co. Marriage Records.

CHILDREN AND WIFE: From Census records and material from John Arbogast of
Circleville, WV, a grandson, to Amanda Arbogast Forbes.

DEATH: Last located on 1910 Census living with daughter, Mary Helmick.

WIFE: Prudence left a will recorded in Pendleton Co., WV on 2 Sep 1889, which
was dated 6 Jul 1889. See Will Book 5, p. 196. Will names Roberta P., wife of
son, Elijah; daughter, Hannah E. Arbogast; daughter, Ruthie Ellen Arbogast;
Adam H. Vandevanter named as Executor. 
Arbogast, Joseph Jr. (P16487)
3459 History of Pendleton Co., Morton, page 402, Confederate Soldier, C Co., 62nd
VA. Living 1910, Franklin, Pendleton Co., WV

BIRTH: From 1850 and 1880 Census for Pendleton Co., VA/WV. 1860 and 70 census
also checked. First marriage record lists his age as 24yrs. 6mos. and
Elizabeth's as 24yrs. 5mos.

DEATH: No definitive record located although records indicate that Elizabeth
probably died between 1880 - 1887 when husband thought to have remarried.

CHILDREN: It is thought that Cora died young since she was listed on 1870
census but not on 1880 census and no other record was located for her. Most
likely Jacob had children by second wife but no record of them has been

MARRIAGE: Pendleton Co. marriage records confirm parents of Jacob and
Elizabeth. Jacob most probably married again. See marriage record of June
1887 indicating Jacob Arbogast, widower, age 45, married Mahala P. Lambert, age
17. 1880 census shows Ali P. Lambert, age 7 as daughter of Elbimus and Susan
Lambert. See Amanda Arbogast Forbes RIN # 468, in file, copied. 
Arbogast, Jacob (P16493)
3460 Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, record of pension to father and mother, Nos.,
1121763 and 1122444, 10 Jun 1918 and 19 Jun 1918. Died in military service.
According to Lucy (Arbogast) Cantley, sister, Francis died and is buried in
Philadelphia. Death was an accident due to a gas leak from a light fixture
during the night. Lucy also indicates there is a photo somewhere of Francis and
Pres. Wm. Howard Taft shaking hands, possibly sister, Mary, has it. 
Arbogast, Francis M. (P16414)
3461 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (P3914)
3462 Houston, TX. Kline, Charles C. (P13781)
3463 Hull, Blue Grass, VA, 1985. Colaw, Rebecca (P14125)
3464 Huntsburg, OH. Adams, Steven P. (P6965)
3465 Husband and his parents from wedding announcement Wilfong, Lora June (P12183)
3466 Husband's name from birth announcement for Marianne Callison, Linda Sue (P10472)
3467 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (P1934)
3468 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (P14170)
3469 I.G.I. and 1910 cen. Bennett, Myrtle Irene (P22025)
3470 Immigrated 1902; naturalized 1917 Rosberg, Carl August Herman (P10870)
3471 Immigrated 1907 Gustafsen, Carl Johan (P10880)
3472 In 1894, Isaac, age 44, Sarah, age 21. Gum, Isaac N. (P21588)
3473 In 1900 census Hannah has 7 ch./ 6 living. HG has Lucy (28 Oct 1875-13 Apr
1879), bur. Harper Cem. near Solomons Chapel. 
Ketterman, Hannah Harriet (P18495)
3474 In Glenn Huffman records as Roberta Arbaugh, possibly married previously.
Their first two children died in infancy. Name is Arbaugh from Obit of son,
Truman Arbogast and several other children. She is d/o Jacob and Susan
Arbaugh, Roberta P. (P17345)
3475 In late 1880's went to Montana on a trail drive. Later returned with family,
via North Dakota. Lived at Glendive, MT, 1920-1925; then Wyola, MT.

Transcript of obituary from Clifford and Margaret Arbogast of Hardin, MT.
Also a photo of George and Itonia. 
Arbogast, Rudolphus George (P21122)
3476 In Mauseleum at Maple Grove Cem.

See "100th Neer Reunion, 1987", p. 17. 
Neer, Foster Madison (P18920)
3477 In Trent memo, name is spelled Meddows. Meador, E. Howard (P325)
3478 In, History of Pendleton Co, WV, by Morton, p. 99, a Wm. S. Arbogast was the
owner of a mercantile firm in Circleville in 1851.

All information on this family from Amanda Arbogast Forbes and her book, At
The Sign Of The Swan, Ancestry and Descendants of Hans Wendel Swecker, Gateway
Press, Baltimore, MD. 
Arbogast, William Samuel (P16825)
3479 Included in Daisy Arbogast Hartmann's Papers is a newspaper article of Emerald
being named "American Mother of the Year 1960", at which time they had 6
children, 10 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren, all living at the time. 
Barman, Emerald Lucy (P502)
3480 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (P14157)
3481 Indiana National Bank, 1968. Arbogast, Ann (P6377)
3482 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F2276
3483 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I6755)
3484 Info. from son. Arbogast, Frederick Walter (P12132)
3485 Info. from son. Bennett, Lucy Helen (P12133)
3486 Information about this family from, At The Sign Of The Swan, Ancestry and
Descendants of Hans Wendel Swecker, by Amanda Arbogast Forbes, Gateway Press,
Baltimore, MD, 1987. 
Arbogast, Charles Cameron (P16905)
3487 Information about this family from, At The Sign Of The Swan, Ancestry and
Descendants of Hans Wendel Swecker, by Amanda Arbogast Forbes, Gateway Press,
Baltimore, MD, 1987. Russell lived at Moorefield, WV. 
Arbogast, Russell Cameron (P544)
3488 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, p. 93. On 1860 census, wife, age 74, alone. 
Mullenax, Abraham (P16746)
3489 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94.

Elizabeth is daughter of Samuel Mullinex and Charity Colaw from Glenn Huffman
research papers in file. 
Mullinex, Elizabeth (P19106)
3490 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94.

Son of Jonathan Nelson & Hannah Harras.

FYD-18 desc. Mort. Pend., p.272. Marr. 2nd Jane Rexrode, 3rd Ellen Hinkle. 
Nelson, Robert J. (P19120)
3491 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94.
Daughter of Peter and Rachel (Gragg) Moats. 
Moats, Flora Eve (P19098)
3492 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Mullenax, James W. (P18073)
3493 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Mullenax, Conrad (P18987)
3494 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Mullenax, Salathial (P18988)
3495 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Mullenax, Abraham Jr. (P18989)
3496 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Mullenax, Solomon (P18990)
3497 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Mullenax, Jacob C. (P18991)
3498 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Dove, Mary (P19097)
3499 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Grimes, Catherine (P19100)
3500 Information from "Mulanax - Bales Family Histories" by Alvin and Katherine
Mulanax, April, 1980, pp. 93 & 94. 
Calhoun, Eli (P19111)

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