Daniel Huffman Arbogast

Male 1827 - 1916  (88 years)


Daniel H. Arbogast History

Was born in Clark county, Ohio, May 27th, 1827. David Arbogast and wife, the grandparents of the subject of this sketch, were natives of Germany. They emigrated to America and settled in Virginia. The family moved to Ohio at an early day and subsequently moved to Madison county, Indiana, where the grandparents died. Henry, his son (and father of D. H.), was born in Pendleton County, Virginia, in August 1791. He came from Clark county, Illinois, in October 1838, and the following winter settled near Lexington in McLean county. In March following he moved to DeWitt county and settled on section ten in DeWitt township, where he resided until a short time before his death. He died December 6th, 1871, in his eighty-seventh year. He married Mary Huffman, daughter of Christian Huffman. She was born in Pendleton county, Virginia, in 1787. She died April 12th, 1853, in her sixty-seventy year. By the union of Henry and Mary Arbogast there were fifteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity, and eight are still living. Daniel H. was in his twelfth year when the family came to DeWitt county. He here grew to manhood and remained at home at work on his father's farm, until he was twenty years of age, then he commenced working for himself. He worked for the farmers around in the neighborhood, rented land and raised a crop, and did such general work as fell to his hand. He soon after got into handling stock, and was principally engaged in that business from 1855 to 1870. In the latter year he commenced the manufacture of brick, and has given nearly all of his attention to that business since that time. He manufactured all the brick with a few exceptions that are in the brick buildings now standing in Farmer City. Taking all-in-all Mr. Arbogast has been unusually successful. He has met, like most of men, with some reverses, yet has no particular reason to complain of his lot. On the 25th of February 1849 he was united in marriage to Miss Minerva Payn. She was born in Tennessee, May 29th, 1829. She is the daughter of John A. G. and Catherine Payn, who came to Indiana in 1830, and in 1841 settled in Will county, Illinois. Mrs. Arbogast was stopping with her grandfather Payn in this county when she was married. Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Arbogast; seven sons and two daughters. Their names in the order of their birth are, Elizabeth J., who is the wife of Arthur Webb; Lydia Ann, wife of John Sweeney; John, who married Susan Muir; Amos, married Mary Griffith; Edward, Sherman, Walter; Grenade who died in his tenth year; and George who died in his infancy. Both he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church. Politically he has been a Republican since 1856, when he voted for John C. Fremont. His maternal grandfather Huffman was a soldier in the Revolution, and his father Henry was a soldier in the Indian War of 1817. Mr. Arbogast is a plain straightforward man, and much respected in the community.

From: http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ildewitt/biographies.htm

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